Gàidhlig / Scottish Gaelic
Poileasaidh agus Iomairt / Policy and Advocacy
Bòrd na Gàidhlig (Alba) (2003). ‘Buidheann Leasachaidh na Gàidhlig — Raon-Ùghdarrais’ /
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Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2004). Aithisg Bhliadhnail 2003-2004 / Annual Report 2003-2004. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2004). Leabhar-làimhe Com-pàirteachais / Partnership Manual. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2004). Plana Gnìomh / Operational Plan. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2005). Aithisg Bhliadhnail 2004/05 / Annual Report 2004/05. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2006). An Dreachd Plana Nàiseanta na Gàidhlig / The Draft National Plan for Gaelic. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Bòrd na Gàidhlig (2006). An Dreachd dhen Stiùireadh air Planaichean Gàidhlig / The Draft Guidance on Gaelic Language Plans. Inverness: Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
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Buidheann-Gnìomh Maoineachadh Poblach na Gàidhlig / Taskforce on the Public Funding of Gaelic (2000). Ag Ath-Bheothachadh Gàidhlig — Neamhnuid Nàiseanta: Aithisg bho Bhuidheann-Gnìomh Maoineachadh Poblach na Gàidhlig / Revitalising Gaelic — A National Asset: Report by the Taskforce on Public Funding of Gaelic. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd / The Highland Council (1998). The Highland Council Gaelic Development Strategy. Inverness: Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd / The Highland Council.
Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd / The Highland Council (2005). Plana Gàidhlig & Cultair / Gaelic Language & Culture Plan. Inverness: Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd / The Highland Council.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Council (3rd ed. 1996). Bilingual Policy. Stornoway: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.
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An Comunn Gaidhealach (2006). Aithisg Bhliadhnail 2004/05 / Annual Report 2004/05. Inverness: An Comunn Gaidhealach.
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Co-Roinn Ghàidhlig Meadhan Earra-Ghaidheal / Mid-Argyll Gaelic Partnership (2002). Community Audit 2001: Summary Report. Lochgilphead: Co-Roinn Ghàidhlig Meadhan Earra-Ghaidheal / Mid-Argyll Gaelic Partnership.
EKOS Limited (2001). A Review of the Gaelic Publishing Sector: Final Report for Comunn na Gàidhlig. Inverness: EKOS Limited.
Fòram Gàidhlig Roinn a Tuath Siorrachd Àir / North Ayrshire Gaelic Forum (2002). Information leaflet.
Iomairt Cholm Cille / Iomairt Chaluim Chille / The Columba Initiative (2000). Plean Straitéiseach / Plana Ro-innleachdail / Strategic Plan 2001/2-2003/4.
Johnstone, Richard (1994). The Impact of Current Developments to Support the Gaelic Language: Review of Research. Stirling: Scottish Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research.
MacCaluim, Alasdair, with Wilson McLeod (2001). Revitalising Gaelic? A Critical Analysis of the Taskforce on Public Funding of Gaelic. Edinburgh: Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh.
MacKinnon, Kenneth. Gaelic in 1994: Report to E.U. Euromosaic Project.
McLeod, Wilson (2001). ‘Gaelic in the New Scotland: Politics, Rhetoric and Public Discourse’. Journal on Ethnopolitics and Minority Issues in Europe, Summer 2001.
Murdoch, Steve (1995). Language Politics in Scotland. Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Scots Leid Quorum.
Pròiseact Plana Cànain nan Eilean Siar (2006). Plana Cànan nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Language Plan. Stornoway: Pròiseact Plana Cànain nan Eilean Siar.
The Scottish Executive (2003). Bile na Gàidhlig: Pàipear Conaltraidh / The Gaelic Language Bill: Consultation Paper. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
The Scottish Parliament (2002). Bile na Gàidhlig (Alba) / Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
The Scottish Parliament (2003). ‘Gàidhlig ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba’ (authored by Alasdair MacCaluim, Gaelic Development Officer. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
The Scottish Parliament (2004). Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill [including Explanatory Notes, Policy Memorandum and Gaelic translation]
The Scottish Parliament, Education, Culture and Sport Committee (2003). Aithisg Ìre 1 air Bile na Gàidhlig (Alba), Leabhar 1 / Stage 1 Report on the Gaelic Language (Scotland) Bill. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
The Scottish Parliament, Education, Culture and Sport Committee (2003). Report on Inquiry into the role of educational and cultural policy in supporting and developing Gaelic, Scots and minority languages in Scotland. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament (translated versions in Gaelic, Scots, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Punjabi and Urdu)
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Scottish Parliament Information Centre (2000). ‘Gaelic (Gàidhlig)’. Devolution Series 2/00 (2 March). Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
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‘Towards a National Policy for Gaelic: Working Papers for Conference’ (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, 18-19.7.1985)
Urras Nàiseanta na h-Alba / The National Trust for Scotland (2005). Poileasaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Policy. Edinburgh: Urras Nàiseanta na h-Alba / The National Trust for Scotland.
Western Isles Ad hoc Language Planning Group (2002). Plana Cànain nan Eilean Siar — Western Isles Language Plan (draft).
Sòisio-chànanachas / Sociolinguistics
Duwe, Kurt (2003). Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies, Vol 01: Aird nam Murchan & Loch Abar an Iar (Ardnamuchan & West Lochaber). Wedel, Germany: Hydromod.
Duwe, Kurt (2003). Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies, Vol 02: Eilean Bharraigh (Isle of Barra). Wedel, Germany: Hydromod.
Duwe, Kurt (2003). Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies, Vol 03: Uibhist a Deas agus Beinn a’ Bhaoghla (South Uist & Benbecula). Wedel, Germany: Hydromod.
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Duwe, Kurt (2004). Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies, Vol 09: Taobh Siar Rois: Loch Bhraoin & Geàrrloch (Wester Ross: Lochbroom & Gairloch). Wedel, Germany: Hydromod.
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Duwe, Kurt (2004). Gàidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) Local Studies, Vol 11: An t-Eilean Sgitheanach: Trondairnis, Diùrinis & Minginis (Isle of Skye: Trotternish, Duirinish & Minginish). Wedel, Germany: Hydromod.
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McLeod, Wilson (2005). Gàidhlig ann an Dùn Èideann: Cleachdadh agus Beachdan / Gaelic in Edinburgh: Usage and Attitudes. Edinburgh: Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh.
Pròiseact Plana Cànain nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Language Plan Project (2005). Rannsachadh agus Toraidhean Ìre 1 den Phròiseact: Aithisg Dheireannach / Research and Outcomes of Phase 1 of the Project: Final Report. Stornoway: Pròiseact Plana Cànain nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Language Plan Project.
Foghlam Ro-sgoile / Preschool Education
Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich (1994). Aithisg na Bliadhna 1993-94 / Annual Report 1993-94. Inverness: Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich.
Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich (1996). Aithisg na Bliadhna 1995-96 / Annual Report 1995-96. Inverness: Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich.
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Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich (2002). The Family Language Plan: Omnibus Edition. Inverness: Comhairle nan Sgoiltean Àraich.
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Edinburgh City Council (2002). Information leaflet for new parents.
Pedersen Consulting (2004). A Full Time Gaelic Child Care Centre: A Business Plan Prepared for Fòram Gàidhlig Inbhir Nis. Inbhir Nis: Pedersen Consulting.
Foghlam Bunsgoile agus Àrdsgoile / Primary and Secondary Education
Clackmannanshire Council (2003).’Gaelic in the Wee County (information leaflet)
Clann an Alba / Children in Scotland (2002). Stiùireadh Phàrant mu Feuman Foghlaim Sònraichte. Edinburgh: Clann an Alba / Children in Scotland.
Comataidh Rannsachaidh air Cùmhnantan Seirbheis Proifeiseanta Thidsearan (1999). Dreuchd Teagaisg airson an 21mh Linn: Cothrom fianais a thoirt seachad.
Comann nam Pàrant (Dùn Èideann agus Lodainn) (n.d.). Information Pack.
Comunn nam Pàrant (1998). Leantalachd ann am Foghlam tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig: Co-Labhairt Nàiseanta Phàrant (Iomradh air an Latha) / Progression in Gaelic Medium Education: National Parental Conference (Report of Proceedings). Edinburgh: Comunn nam Pàrant.
Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta) (2002). Gaelic-medium Secondary Education — A Model for the 21st Century: Co-labhairt Nàiseanta/National Conference, Iomradh air an Latha/Report of Proceedings. Edinburgh: Comunn nam Pàrant.
Comunn na Gàidhlig (1997). Framework for growth: a national policy for Gaelic education. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Comunn na Gàidhlig [2006]. Ceistean iomchaidh / 6 good questions. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Comunn na Gàidhlig [1989]. A’ togail clann sa Ghàidhlig / Gaelic at Home. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Gaelic for All (2002). Consultative Document for Open Debate on Gaelic Education: A Report on Alternative Measures to Make Gaelic a Viable and Revitalised Asset for Everyone in Scotland. Edinburgh: Gaelic for All.
Glasgow City Council (2001). ‘Gaelic-Medium Education Development Plan 2001/2004’.
Glasgow City Council (2002). ‘Gaelic Education in Glasgow’ (information leaflet).
Glasgow City Council (2004). ‘Future Gaelic Medium Education Provision for Pupils of Pre-5 and Primary Age of the Glasgow Gaelic School and Future Gaelic Medium Secondary Provision for Pupils of Hillpark Secondary School’ (consultation document)
Highland Council, Education, Culture and Sport Committee (2002). Gaelic Education and Early Years Strategy. Inverness: Highland Council.
Highland Council, Education, Culture and Sport Committee (2006). Proposal to Designate Sleat Primary School as a Dedicated Gaelic School. Portree: Highland Council.
Johnstone, Richard, et al. (2000). ‘Coileanadh sgoilearan a tha a’ faighinn foghlaim meadhan-Gàidhlig aig ìre bunsgoil an Albainn/ The attainments of pupils receiving Gaelic-medium primary education in Scotland’. Interchange, 62.
Johnstone, Richard, et al. (2003). Gaelic Learners in the Primary School (GLPS) in Argyll & Bute, East Ayrshire, North Lanarkshire, Perth & Kinross and Stirling: Evaluation Report. Stirling: Scottish CILT.
Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1994). Solarachadh na Gàidhlig ann am Foghlam ann an Albainn. Edinburgh: Scottish Office Education Department.
Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1995). Aitheasg le Luchd-sgrùdaidh na Ban-righ airson Sgoiltean: Sgoil Phabail: Comhairle nan Eilean. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Education Department.
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Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1995). Aitheasg le Luchd-sgrùdaidh na Ban-righ airson Sgoiltean: Sgoil a’ Bhac, Comhairle nan Eilean. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Education Department.
Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1996). Sgrùdadh Leudaichte de Bhunsgoil Airigh an Tuim, Comhairle nan Eilean: Aitheasg le Luchd-sgrùdaidh na Ban-righ airson Sgoiltean. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Education Department.
Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1996). Sgrùdadh Leudaichte de dh’ Ard-Sgoil Phòrt Righ, Comhairle nan Eilean: Aitheasg le Luchd-sgrùdaidh na Ban-righ airson Sgoiltean. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Education Department.
Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1997). Extended Inspection of Sgoil Lionacleit, Western Isles Council: A Report by HM Inspectors of Schools. Edinburgh: The Scottish Office Education Department.
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MacNeil, M. M., and M. N. Beaton (1994). Immersion Teaching and Language Learning: Meeting the Needs of the Gaelic Economy. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Lèirsinn.
Mercator-Education (2001) [authored by Boyd Robertson]. The Gaelic language in education in the UK. Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Murray, John, and Catherine Morrison (1984). Bilingual Primary Education in the Western Isles, Scotland: Report of the Bilingual Education Project 1975-81. Stornoway: Acair.
Nicolson, Margaret, and Matthew MacIver, eds. Gaelic-Medium Education. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, 2003.
Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum (1999). The School Curriculum and the Culture of Scotland: A Paper for Discussion and Consultation. Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.
Scottish Examination Board (1981). Scottish Certificate of Education: Gaelic Orthographic Conventions to be used in Question Papers in and after 1985. Dalkeith: Scottish Examination Board.
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The Scottish Executive (2005). The Report of the Gaelic Medium Teachers’ Action Group/Aithisg Buidhne-gnìomha Luchd-teagaisg tro Mheadhan na Gàidhlig. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Stradling, R. N., and M. M. MacNeil (1995). Teacher Training for Gaelic Medium Education. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Lèirsinn.
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Stockdale, Aileen, Bryan MacGregor and Gillian Munro (2003). Migration, Gaelic-medium Education and Language Use. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Ionad Nàiseanta na h-Imrich, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
Wolfe, A. (1992). Immersion/Bilingual Approaches to Second Language Acquisition. Aberdeen: Language Research and Development Unit, Northern College.
Wolfe, A. (1996). Gaelic Teacher Education: Audit and Strategies for Development (A Report for the Scottish Office Education Department). Aberdeen: Language Research & Development Unit, Northern College / Grampian Region.
Foghlam Àrd-ìre agus Inbheach / Higher and Adult Education
Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh Ltd. (1992). Aithisg na Bliadhna. Inverness: Comann an Luchd-Ionnsachaidh Ltd.
Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (2002). Subject Review of Lews Castle College: Gaelic — A Report by HM Inspectors on behalf of the Scottish Further Education Funding Council. Edinburgh: Education Department, Scottish Executive.
Hunter, Janet (1995). Report on the Survey of Gaelic and Gaelic-related Courses in the Department of Celtic in the University of Aberdeen. Aberdeen: Department of Celtic, University of Aberdeen
Luchd-Sgrùdaidh na Banrigh airson Sgoiltean / Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Schools (1999). Sgrùdadh de Sabhal Mòr Ostaig / Inspection of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig. Edinburgh: Scottish Office Education Department.
Newton, Michael (2003). ‘Summary of Survey of Gaelic Learners in North America’.
Pieda [Planning, Economic and Development Consultants] (1993). University of the Highlands and Islands: Feasability and Strategy.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Board of Trustees (1980). Sabhal Mòr Ostaig: A Two Year Course. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
Robertson, Boyd (2001). Aithisg air Solarachadh Chùrsaichean Bogaidh Gàidhlig an Alba/Report on Gaelic Immersion Course Provision in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Qualifications Authority.
Wells, Gordon (1991). ‘Adult Learners and Native Speakers: Shall the Twain Ne’er Meet?’ (paper for Fasgnag: Seminar/Conference on Social and Related Research on Gaelic Language and Community, at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, 11-13.4.1991)
Stuthan Teagaisg agus Goireasan Teagaisg / Teaching Materials and Aids
Buidheann Eadar-Roinneil airson Foghlam Gàidhlig, Faclan Ura Gàidhlig cleachdte ann an Leabhraichean-Sgoile Bunsgoile agus Ardsgoile (1992)
McLeod, Wilson (1998). Computer-Assisted Learning for Gaelic: Towards a Common Teaching Core. Edinburgh: Board of Celtic Studies Scotland.
Fios: The Newsletter for Speaking Our Language Learners 12 (Winter 1997)
Robertson, A. G. Boyd, and I. G. MacDonald (n.d.). ‘Computer Assisted Supported Self-Learning in Gaelic: A Discussion Paper’.
Murray, I. R., and M. M. Black (1993). ‘A Prototype text-to-speech system for Scottish Gaelic’, in Proceedings of Eurospeech ’93, Third European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Berlin), vol. 2.
Newton, Michael (1994). Information Visualisation Project. Glasgow: Department of Celtic, University of Glasgow.
Dealbhadh Corpais / Corpus Planning
Comunn na Gàidhlig (1996). Polasaidh Nàiseanta air Eadar Theangachadh. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Donnelly, Kevin P. (1992). ‘The Potential for Establishing a Gaelic Resources Database Unit at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig: Research Report’. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
Fosglan (1996). Duilgheadasan Luchd Eadar-Theangachaidh. Stornoway: Fosglan.
McLeod, Wilson (2001). Faclair na Pàrlamaid: A Critical Analysis. Edinburgh: Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh.
MacSween, Annie (1995). ‘Gaelic: the modernization of an ancient language’.
Ordnance Survey Gaelic Names Liaison Committee (2002). Name Emendation Principles.
Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board (1981). Scottish Certificate of Education: Gaelic Orthographic Conventions to be used in Question Papers in and after 1985. Dalkeith: Scottish Certificate of Education Examination Board.
Scottish Examination Board (1982). Scottish Certificates of Education and Certification of Sixth Year Studies Revised List of Linguistic and Literary Terms for Use in Examinations in Gaelic. Dalkeith: Scottish Examinations Board.
Craoladh / Broadcasting
BBC Alba (1997). Ar dìlseachd dhuibhse: Aithris a’ BhBC dhen geallaidhean do luchd-amhairc agus luchd-èisdeachd. Glasgow: BBC Alba.
Colaisd a’ Chaisteil / Lews Castle College (n.d. [1992]). Dioploma Telebhisean na Gàidhlig / Gaelic Television Diploma. Stornoway: Colaisd a’ Chaisteil / Lews Castle College.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (n.d.). Information booklet.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (1998). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 1997-1998 / Annual Report & Accounts 1997-1998. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (1999). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 1998-1999 / Annual Report & Accounts 1998-1999. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (2000). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 1999-2000 / Annual Report & Accounts 1999-2000. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (2001). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 2000-2001 / Annual Report & Accounts 2000-2001. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (2002). CCG at 10/aig 10. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig / Gaelic Broadcasting Committee (2003). Towards a Gaelic Media Service: From CCG to GMS. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Telebhisean Gaidhlig / Gaelic Television Committee (1994). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 1993-1994 / Annual Report & Accounts 1993-1994. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Telebhisean Gaidhlig / Gaelic Television Committee (1996). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 1995-1996 / Annual Report & Accounts 1995-1996. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Comataidh Telebhisean Gaidhlig / Gaelic Television Committee (1997). Aithisg Bhliadhnail & Cunntasan 1996-1997 / Annual Report & Accounts 1996-1997. Stornoway: Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig.
Gaelic Television Task Force (2000). Gaelic Television: A Dedicated Channel. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
The Scottish Parliament, Education, Culture and Sport Committee / Comataidh an Fhoghlaim, a’ Chultair agus an Spòrs (2001). Report on the Gaelic Broadcasting Committee / Aithisg air Comataidh Craolaidh Gàidhlig. 14th Report 2001, SP Paper 473, Session 1 (2001).
Na h-Ealain agus Cultar / Arts and Culture
Beattie, Bryan et al. (2004). The Social and Economic Impact of the Arts in the Western Isles: A Report for Comhairle nan Eilean Siar and Western Isles Enterprise. Inverness: Creative Services.
Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba / Scottish Arts Council (2003). Poileasaidh nan Ealain Gàidhlig / Gaelic Arts Policy. Edinburgh: Comhairle Ealain na h-Alba / Scottish Arts Council.
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean / Gaelic Books Council (1992). Iomradh nan Trì Bliadhna 1989-90, 1990-91 & 1991-92 / Three Year Report 1989-90, 1990-91 & 1991-92. Glasgow: Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.
Comhairle nan Leabhraichean / Gaelic Books Council (1992). Iomradh na Bliadhna 1992-1993 / Annual Report 1992-1993. Glasgow: Comhairle nan Leabhraichean.
Comunn na Gàidhlig (n.d. [1999]). Glasgow Gaelic Centre: Summary Report. Glasgow: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
An Comunn Gaidhealach (2004). Aithisg Bhliadhnail 2003/2004 / Annual Report 2003/2004. Inverness: An Comunn Gaidhealach.
Fosglan (1997). Eachdraidh a-Màireach / History Tomorrow: Development Survey and Conference of Comainn Eachdraidh. Stornoway: Fosglan.
The Highland Council (1998). Solas: Fàilte gun a’ Mhòd, 6. Inverness: The Highland Council.
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (2003). ‘Language and Interpretation: The use of Gaelic and Other Languages in Informative and Interpretive Media’ (report by Touchstone Heritage Management Consultants).
An Lòchran (Glasgow) (n.d. [2000]). Information brochure.
National Archives of Scotland (2003). Gaelic brochure on ‘Mort na h-Apainne’.
Pròiseact nan Ealan / The Gaelic Arts Agency (1998). Ealain 21: The Future of the Gaelic Arts (Account of Conference Proceedings, Inverness 4-6.3.1998). Stornoway: Pròiseact nan Ealan.
Pròiseact nan Ealan / The Gaelic Arts Agency (1999). Information brochure. Stornoway: Pròiseact nan Ealan.
Pròiseact nan Ealan / The Gaelic Arts Agency (2006). Aithisg Iùl Ciùil: Gaelic Music Conference Report 2006. Stornoway: Pròiseact nan Ealan.
Scottish Arts Council (1995). National Gaelic Arts Project: Four Year Plan 1995-99.
Sproull, Alan, and Douglas Chalmers (1998). The Demand for Gaelic Artistic and Cultural Products and Services: Patterns and Impacts. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University.
The Scottish Executive (1999). Roi-innleachd Culturach Nàiseanta / A National Cultural Strategy. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
A’ Ghàidhlig agus Leasachadh Eaconamach/Coimhearsnachd
Gaelic and Economic/Community Development
Comunn na Gàidhlig (2006). Cur is Fàs: Gaelic Development in the Inverness, Nairn, Badenoch & Strathspey Area. Inverness: Comunn na Gàidhlig.
Gàidhlig sa Choimhearsnachd (2002). Cuairtlitir / Newsletter. Steòrnabhagh: Gàidhlig sa Choimhearsnachd.
Hecla Consulting (2003). The Importance of Gaelic to the Inverness and Nairn Area. Inverness: Hecla Consulting.
McLeod, Wilson (2001). The State of the ‘Gaelic Economy’: A Research Report. Edinburgh: Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies, University of Edinburgh.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (1993). Ro-Innleachd na Gàidhlig aig Lìonbheairt Iomairt na Gàidhealtachd. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (1993). Iomairt na Gàidhlig: A Strategy for Gaelic Development in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Sproull, Alan, with Brian Ashcroft (1993). The Economics of Gaelic Language Development: A Research Report for Highlands and Islands Enterprise and the Gaelic Television Committee with Comunn na Gàidhlig. Glasgow: Glasgow Caledonian University.
Sgrìobhaidhean Oifigeil Gàidhlig — Measgachadh /
Miscellaneous Official Gaelic Documents
Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland (2001). Fiaclan fallain fad do bheatha. Edinburgh: Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland.
Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland (2001). Stiùireadh ùr air banachdach chloinne suas gu còig mìosan deug. Edinburgh: Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland.
Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland (2001). Chan fheum gach galar gràinnean: iùl airson antibiotaicean a chleachdadh gu sàbhailte. Edinburgh: Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland.
Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland (2003). Iùl air Dearbhaidhean Fala Gnàthach air an Tairgse rè Torrachais: Dearbhaidhean fala a tha air am moladh nuair a tha thu trom. Edinburgh: Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland.
Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland (2003). Do Chèilidh Sgrìonadh Chìochan air a Mhìneachadh. Edinburgh: Bòrd Foghlaim Slàinte na h-Alba/Health Education Board for Scotland.
CBI Scotland (2006). Eaconamaidh na h-Alba: Am Prìomh Phrìomhachas / The Scottish Economy: The Priority of Priorities. Glasgow: CBI Scotland.
Co-bhanntachd Nàiseanta Fearann na h-Alba (n.d.). Fiosrachadh air Seilbh Fearainn ann an Alba. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Coimisean Gearain nam Meadhanan / Press Complaints Commission (2001). An Riaghailt Obrachaidh / Code of Practice. London: Coimisean Gearain nam Meadhanan / Press Complaints Commission.
Coimiseanair Inbhean Pàrlamaid na h-Alba (2003). Explanatory leaflet. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Department of Trade and Industry (2002). Co-Chomhairle Cumhachd DTI 2002. London: Department of Trade and Industry.
Department of Trade and Industry (2002). Pàipear Geal an Lùtha — Geàrr chunntas:Ar lùth teachdail — a’cruthachadh eaconomaidh bheag ghualain. London: Department of Trade and Industry.
Equal Opportunities Commission, Scotland (2001). Cothroman Cothromach: Iùil do Phàrantan. Glasgow: Equal Opportunities Commission, Scotland.
HM Government (2004). Ag Ullachadh airson Èiginn: Am Fiosrachadh a tha Dhìth Oirbh. London: HM Government.
HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (1998). Aithisg Luchd-sgrùdaidh Rìoghail nam Poileas Albannach: Feachd-poileas a’ Chinn-a-Tuath 1998 / A Report of HM Inspectorate of Constabulary: Northern Constabulary Review Inspection 1998. Edinburgh: HM Inspectorate of Constabulary.
HM Prison Service, Assisted Prison Visits Unit (2001). Fiosrachadh mu Thaic do Sgeama-Tadhail na Seirbheis Phrìosain. Birmingham: Assisted Prison Visits Unit.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (n.d.). Ar Dleasdanas: Sluagh, Seirbhis, Inbhean: Moglachadh Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (n.d.). Ro-Innleachd Airson Iomairt Leasachaidh. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (1997). Cùram cloinne ann an Sgìrean Dùthchail na h-Alba: Prògram Leasachaidh. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (2002). Alba Sùrdail, Soirbheachail — Seòl-Tomhais na Gaidhealtachd is nan Eilean. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (2004). Cairt Sheirbhisean 2004 / Service Charter 2004. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise (2005). A’ Ghaidhealtachd agus na h-Eileanan, sùrdail ’s soirbheachail / Ro-innleachd iomairt airson na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean/ A Smart, Successful Highlands and Islands: An enterprise strategy for the Highlands and Islands of Scotland. Inverness: Iomairt na Gaidhealtachd agus nan Eilean / Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iùbaili Òr na Bànrighe / The Queen’s Golden Jubilee (2002). Gaelic information sheet.
NCH Scotland [2006]. Pròiseact nan Eilean Siar: Pròiseactan ionadail do chloinn ionadail. Glaschu: NCH Scotland.
Oifis na h-Albann / The Scottish Office (1997). Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Edinburgh: Oifis na h-Albann / The Scottish Office.
Ordnance Survey (2001). Clàradh Tìre: Poileasaidh Ainmean Gàidhlig. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2001). Aithisg Bhliadhnail Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 2000 gu 2001. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2001). Information sheets on (1) Atharrachaidhean ri Bilean Riaghaltais: Stiùireadh do bhuidhnean agus daoine bhon taobh a-muigh, (2) Thu fhèin agus na BPA agad, (3) Fiosrachadh do Luchd-fianais a tha a’ nochdadh air beulaibh chomataidhean, (4) Stiùireadh ann a bhith a’ cur a-steach Athchuingean Poblach, (5) Mar a tha Pàrlamaid na h-Alba ag obair, (6) An dualchas Phàrlamaideach Albannach. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2002). Aithisg Bhliadhnail Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 2001 gu 2002. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). Aithisg Bhliadhnail Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 2002 gu 2003. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). Mar a bhòtas tu ann an taghadh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 1999-2003: Ag Obair Dhutsa. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). A’ togail do ghuth ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament [also versions in English, Scots, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Punjabi and Urdu].
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). Stiùireadh mu Chur A-steach Athchuingean Poblach. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). Pàrlamaid na h-Alba agus Riaghaltas na h-Alba: Dreuchdan agus Dleastanasan. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2003). Fàilte do Sheòmar Deasbaid Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2004). Aithisg Bhliadhnail Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 2003 gu 2004. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2004). Sgeama-foillseachaidh Pàrlamaid na h-Alba agus Buidheann Chorporra Pàrlamaid na h-Alba. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2004). Gàidhlig ann am Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / Gaelic in the Scottish Parliament. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2004). Do Thuras gu Pàrlamaid na h-Alba:Fiosrachadh mu na Seirbhisean Againn. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2004). Faigh A-Mach mu Phàrlamaid na h-Alba: Turas air an Taobh A-Muigh. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2005). Mar a tha Pàrlamaid na h-Alba ag obair. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2005). Aithisg Bhliadhnail Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 2004-2005. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Pàrlamaid na h-Alba / The Scottish Parliament (2006). Aithisg Bhliadhnail Pàrlamaid na h-Alba 2005-2006. Edinburgh: The Scottish Parliament.
Planning Aid for Scotland [2006]. A’ cuideachadh dhaoine gus facal a bhi aca ann an ceistean dealbhaidh. Edinburgh: Planning Aid for Scotland.
Poileas Còmhdhail Bhreatainn / British Transport Police (2001). Roi-innleachd Coimhearsnachd & Dàimh nan Cineal. London: Poileas Còmhdhail Bhreatainn / British Transport Police.
Pròiseict Mionc nan Eilean Siar (2002). Fiosrachadh.
Riaghaltas na h-Alba / The Scottish Executive (2002). Laghan Ùra airson Co-ionannachd Cinnidh ann an Alba. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Riaghaltas na h-Alba / The Scottish Executive (2002). A’ Pàigheadh airson Cùram-Chloinne: Taic do dh’Oileanaich. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Riaghaltas na h-Alba / The Scottish Executive (2002). A’ Taghadh Sgoil Àraich. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Riaghaltas na h-Alba / The Scottish Executive (2002). Gabhaltas Tèarainte na h-Alba: Bileag airson Màladairean. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Riaghaltas na h-Alba / The Scottish Executive (2003). Ag Ath-nuadhachadh Sheirbhisean Fiaclaireachd. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Riaghaltas na h-Alba / The Scottish Executive (2004). Smocadh ann an Àiteachan Poblach: Co-Chomhairleachadh mu Bhith a’ Lùghdachadh Buaidh Toit Dhaoine Eile. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive.
Scottish Water (2004). Sùil ùr air cosgaisean: sgeama chosgaisean 2004-2005. Edinburgh: Scottish Water.
Gàidhlig ann an Albainn Nuaidh / Gaelic in Nova Scotia
Comataidh Stiùiridh Leasachadh na Gàidhlig / Gaelic Development Steering Committee (2002). A’ Leasachadh Polasaidh agus Ro-innleachd do Ghàidhlig na h-Albann Nuaidh: Pàipear-Beachdaidh / Developing a Gaelic Policy & Strategy for Nova Scotia: A Discussion Paper. Iona, NS: Comataidh Stiùiridh Leasachadh na Gàidhlig / Gaelic Development Steering Committee.
Comataidh Stiùiridh Leasachadh na Gàidhlig / Gaelic Development Steering Committee (2004). Leasachadh agus Glèidheadh na Gàidhlig An Albainn Nuaidh: Plana Airson Iomairt Choimhearsnachd / Developing and Preserving Gaelic in Nova Scotia: Strategy for a Community-Based Initiative. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage (available on the Internet at http://www.gov.ns.ca/dtc/culture/culture_gaelic.asp)
Edwards, John Hugh (2003). Community Consultations on the Future of Gaelic in Nova Scotia: A Report on the Results of Community Meetings Held in November 2002. Halifax: Gaelic Development Steering Committee.
Kennedy, Michael (2002). Gaelic Nova Scotia: An Economic, Cultural, and Social Impact Study. Halifax: Nova Scotia Museum.
A’ Ghaidhealtachd: Measgachadh / Miscellaneous: Highlands and Islands
Argyll and the Islands Enterprise (1998). Seventh Annual Report (1997-98). Lochgilphead: Argyll and the Islands Enterprise.
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Council (2001). Aithisg Bhliadhnail agus Cunntasan 2000-01 / Annual Report agus Accounts 2000-01. Stornoway: Comhairle nan Eilean Siar.
Highlands and Islands Development Board [c. 1985]. Today’s Highlands. Inverness: Highlands and Islands Development Board.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (1996). Fifth Annual Report (1995-96). Inverness: Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (1997). Sixth Annual Report (1996-97). Inverness: Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (1998). Seventh Annual Report (1997-98). Inverness: Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Highlands and Islands Enterprise (n.d.) Strategy for Enterprise Development. Inverness: Highlands and Islands Enterprise.
Iomairt an Eilein Sgitheanaich & Loch Aillse / Skye and Lochalsh Enterprise (1997). Sixth Annual Report (1996-97). Portree: Iomairt an Eilein Sgitheanaich & Loch Aillse / Skye and Lochalsh Enterprise.
Iomairt an Eilein Sgitheanaich & Loch Aillse / Skye and Lochalsh Enterprise (1997). Seventh Annual Report (1997-98). Portree: Iomairt an Eilein Sgitheanaich & Loch Aillse / Skye and Lochalsh Enterprise.
Iomairt nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Enterprise (1997). Seventh Annual Report (1996-97). Stornoway: Iomairt nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Enterprise.
Iomairt nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Enterprise (1998). Eighth Annual Report (1997-98). Stornoway: Iomairt nan Eilean Siar / Western Isles Enterprise.
North-West Scotland: European Heritage Area (Proceedings of a Conference at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, 8-9.11.1990). Sleat, Isle of Skye: Clò Ostaig.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (1996). Òraid Sabhal Mòr Ostaig 1996: Dreams from Hard Places — A Lecture by Donnie Munro. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (1997). Òraid Sabhal Mòr Ostaig 1997: Signatures on our own Frequency — A Lecture by President Mary Robinson. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (2000). Òraid Sabhal Mòr Ostaig 2000: The Highlands, Gaelic and the New Scotland — A Lecture by the Rt Hon Donald Dewar MSP First Minister. Sleat, Isle of Skye: Sabhal Mòr Ostaig.
Alba: Eile / Scotland: Other
An Institute for the Languages of Scotland: A Feasibility Study (2003). Edinburgh: ILS Standing Committee.
McPake, Joanna. Mapping the Languages of Edinburgh: Final Report. SCOTLANG Seed Project 6. Stirling: Scottish CILT.
Scots Pairlament Cross Pairty Group on the Scots Language (2003). Scots: A Statement o Principles. Scots Pairlament Cross Pairty Group on the Scots Language
Cuimris / Welsh
Cumanta / General
Andrews, Liam S. (2001). A Factual Report on Translation Services in Relation to the Irish Language in Ireland and the Welsh Language in Wales.
BBC Cymru Wales (1993). Chi biau BBC Cymru Wales / It’s your BBC Cymru Wales. Cardiff: BBC Cymru Wales.
BBC Radio Cymru (1997). Geiriau’r Newyddion Llyfr 3: Geiriau ac Ymadroddion. Cardiff: BBC.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1995). Strategaeth ar Gyfer yr Iaith Gymraeg / A Strategy for the Welsh Language. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1995). Adroddiad Blynyddol / Annual Report 1994-1995. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1996). Adroddiad Blynyddol / Annual Report 1995-1996. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1997). Adroddiad Blynyddol / Annual Report 1996-1997. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1998). Defnyddio’r Gymraeg mewn Busnes / The Use of Welsh in Business. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (n.d. [1998]). Addysg Gymraeg a Ddwyieithog yng Nghymru: gosod y cyd-destun / Welsh Medium & Bilingual Education in Wales: in perspective. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1999). Yr Iaith Gymraeg: Cenhadaeth a Gweledigaeth ar gyfer 2000-2005 / The Welsh Language: A Vision and Mission for 2000-2005. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1999). Y Ffeil-o-Iaith Gymraeg / The Welsh Language Fact File. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (1999). Geiriadur Terminoleg Trefniadaeth / Dictionary of Procedural Terms, Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymry / National Assembly for Wales, ed. by Clive Leo McNeir. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (2000). The Use of the Welsh Language 2000: A survey of 6th form pupils in Welsh-medium and bilingual education. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (2000). Sefyllfa’r Iaith Gymraeg 2000: Adroddiad Arolwg / State of the Welsh Language 2000: Survey Report. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (n.d. [2001]). Defnyddio’r Gymraeg mewn Busnes / The Use of Welsh in Business [revised edition]. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (n.d. [2001]). Magu plant yn ddwyieithog — cyngor i rieni / Raising bilingual children — Advice for parents. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (n.d. [2001]). Addysg ddwyieithog i’ch plentyn — O addysg feithrin i’r ysgol gynradd / A Bilingual Education for your child — From nursery to primary school. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (2002). Adroddiad Blynyddol / Annual Report 2001-2002. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (2006). Arolwg Defnydd Iaith / 2004 Welsh Language Use Survey. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Consortium Cymraeg (1997). Opportunities for Welsh / Cyfloedd Cymraeg 1997-98.
Consortium Cymraeg (n.d.). Want to learn Welsh / isio dysgu Cymraeg: a guide to opportunities for adults to learn Welsh.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg (1992). Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg: Manifesto. Aberystwyth: Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg (1992). The Property Act Hand Book / Llawlyfr Deddf Eiddo. Aberystwyth: Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg (1992). Education for a Free Community or Free Market?: The Case for a System of Community Education for Wales. Aberystwyth: Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Cymraeg (1994). Power in our Hands: Proposals for an Independent Democratic Education System for Wales / Grym yn ein Dwylo. Aberystwyth: Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith Cymraeg (n.d. [c.1995]). Introducing Cymdeithas yr Iaith Cymraeg. Aberystwyth: Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg.
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Sgeamaichean Cuimris / Welsh Language Schemes
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An Ghaeilge / Irish
Poblacht na hÉireann / Republic of Ireland
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Tuaisceart Éireann / Northern Ireland
Andrews, Liam S. (2001). A Factual Report on Translation Services in Relation to the Irish Language in Ireland and the Welsh Language in Wales.
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Gaelg / Manx
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A’ Chòrnais / Cornish
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A’ Bhasgais / Basque
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Ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernemantaux Canada / Minister of Public Works and Government Services (1999). Loi sur les Langues Officielles / Official Languages Act. Ottawa: Ministre des Travaux publics et Services gouvernemantaux Canada / Minister of Public Works and Government Services.
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Secrétariat de Conseil du Trésor du Canada / Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (1990). La présidence des réunions: Comment tenir vos réunions avec succès dans les deux langues officielles / Chairing meetings: How to make your meetings a success in both official languages. Ottawa: Secrétariat de Conseil du Trésor du Canada / Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat.
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Cairt Eòrpach airson Mhion-chànan no Chànan Roinneil /
European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages
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Council of Europe (2004). European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: Application of the Charter in the Netherlands (2nd Monitoring Cycle). Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Dunbar, Robert (2003). The ratification by the United Kingdom of the European Charter for regional or minority languages. Mercator-Legislation Working Paper 10. Barcelona: Mercator-Legislation.
FÀS (Dùn Èideann) (2003). Submission to the Committee of Experts Established Under Article 17 of the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Edinburgh: FÀS (Dùn Èideann).
FÀS (Dùn Èideann) (2006). Submission to the Committee of Experts Established Under Article 17 of the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. Edinburgh: FÀS (Dùn Èideann).
Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek (The Cornish Language Society) (2003). Submission to the Committee of Experts Established Under Article 15 of the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.
Pobal (2002). An Chairt Eorpach do Theangacha Réigiúnda nó Mionlaigh: Feidhmiú na Cairte i leith na Gaeilge Iúil 2001-Iúil 2002 — Aighneacht ó Pobal chuig Coiste Saineolaithe ar an Chairt / The European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages: The Implementation of the Charter with regard to the Irish language July 2001-July 2002 — Submission by Pobal to the Committee of Experts on the Charter (prepared by Teresa Gorman). Belfast: Pobal.
Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. (2003). Response to the UK’s Periodical Report to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe According to Article 15 of the Charter for Regional or Minority Languages as it Applies to the Scots Language.
United Kingdom (2002). Initial Periodical Report by the United Kingdom in Accordance with Article 15 of the Charter. London.
Mion-chànanan eile / Other minority languages
Boord o Ulstèr-Scotch / Ulster-Scots Agency (n.d.). Leaflets on ‘What is Ulster Scots?’, ‘ . . . twenty things you didn’t know about Ulster-Scots’, ‘Robert Burns — The Ulster-Scots Connection’, ‘Ulster-Scots and the Declaration of Independence’, ‘Ulster-Scots and the Presbyterian Church’, ‘The Ulster-Scots Legacy’, ‘Ulster-Scots and Washington’s Generals’, ‘The Ulster-Scots in the USA Today’, ‘Voyage to the New World’, ‘Ulster-Scots and United States Presidents’, and ‘From Folk to Country’. Belfast: Boord o Ulstèr-Scotch / Ulster-Scots Agency.
Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board (2003). Margaíocht i dTeangacha Mionlaigh: Treoir do Ghnólachtaí / Marketing in Minority Languages: A guide for businesses. Cardiff: Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg / Welsh Language Board.
Chambra d’Òc / Regione Piemonte (2001). Valadas Occitanas e Occitània Granda: Ren d’autre qu’una partia de la planeta [CD-ROM]
Daftary, Farimah, and Kinga Gál (2000). The New Slovak Language Law: Internal or External Politics? Flensburg, Germany: European Centre for Minority Issues.
The Future of the Celtic Nations Within the EEC (Proceedings of Edinburgh Conference 23-24.11.1984), sponsored by L’Institut Français d’Écosse, Heriot Watt University Edinburgh and An Comunn Gaidhealach.
Grin, François, and François Vaillancourt (1998). Language Revitalisation Policy: An Analytical Survey — Theoretical Framework, Policy Experience and Application to Te Reo Maori. Treasury Working Paper 98/6. Wellington: New Zealand Treasury.
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Kurdish Human Rights Project (2002). Denial of a Language: Kurdish Language Rights in Turkey. London: Kurdish Human Rights Project.
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Mercator-Education (2001). The Sami language in education in Sweden (authored by Mikael Svonni). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Mercator-Education (2001). The Scots language in education in the UK (authored by Liz Niven). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Mercator-Education (2003). The Breton language in education in France (2nd edition) (authored by Davyth Hicks/Olier ar Magn). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Mercator-Education (2004). The Sorbian language in education in Germany (authored by Piet Hemminga). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Mercator-Education (2004). The Kashubian language in education in Poland (authored by Thomas Wicherkiewicz). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Mercator-Education (2004). The Slovene language in education in Italy (2nd edn) (authored by Norina Bogatec). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Mercator-Education (2005). The Slovak language in education in Hungary (authored by Anton Paulik). Leeuwarden, Netherlands: Mercator-Education.
Minorised Languages at University in Europe (2-4.11.1995): Conference Workbook
Moustaoui, Adil (2003). The Amazigh language within Morocco’s language policy. Working Paper 14. Barcelona: Mercator-Legislation.
Ofis ar Brezhoneg / Office de la language bretonne (2001).
Partnership for Diversity (2003) (ed. by Sandra Forsell and Anna Jungner). Bilingual Cities / Villes bilingues. Brussels: EBLUL / Partnership for Diversity.
Priedite, Aija (2003). The Evolutionary Process of Laws on the State Language, Education and Naturalisation: A Reflection of Latvia’s Democratisation Process. Mercator-Legislation Working Paper 12. Barcelona: Mercator-Legislation.
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Pujolràsm Agustí Pou (2002). Linguistic Legislation and Normalization Process: The Catalan Case in Spain. Mercator-Legislation Working Paper 9. Barcelona: Mercator-Legislation.
Svenska Finlands folkting (n.d.). Swedish in Finland / La Finlande Suédophone. Helsingfors: Folktinget.
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UNESCO (2003). Sharing a World of Difference: The Earth’s linguistic, cultural and biological diversity. Paris: UNESCO.
Virtanen, Öslem Eraydin. Recent Changes in Turkey’s Language Legislation. Mercator-Legislation Working Paper 11. Barcelona: Mercator-Legislation.
Williams, Colin H. (1992). ‘The cultural rights of minorities: Recognition and Implementation’, in Minorities in Politics: Cultural and Languages Rights (International Symposium on National Minorities in Central Europe), ed. by Jana Plichtova. Bratislava: Czechoslovak Committee of the European Cultural Foundation.
Poileasaidh cànain Eòrpach / European language policy
CIEMEN (2002). Anclabes lhenguisticos na Ounion Ouropeia: V Simpósio Abternacional de lhénguas ouropeias i legislaçones / Linguistic enclaves in the European Union: V International symposium on European languages and legislation. Barcelona: CIEMEN.
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Estébanez, Martín, María Amor, and Kinga Gál (1998). Implementing the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities. Flensburg, Germany: European Centre for Minority Issues.
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Kronenthal, Melissa (2003). From Rhetoric to Reality? A Critical Assessment of EU Minority Language Policy and Practice. Working Paper 14. Barcelona: Mercator-Legislation.
MacDonald, Joan (1995). ‘Minorised Languages at University in Europe (2-4.11.1995): A Report’.
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