Bòrd Gàidhlig na h-Alba: New Thinking for a Fresh Start?Kenneth MacKinnon |
Gaelic in census 1881-2001
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Individual slides: TITLE - Gaelic speakers 1881-2001 . Fig 7: Gaelic speakers 1881-2001 . Fig 8: Location of Gaelic speakers 1881-2001 . Table 2: Gaelic speakers 1881-2001 . Prospects for Gaelic in 2003 . Implications for language policy . Fig 9: Gaelic abilities 1971-2001 . Gaelic abilities 1971-2001 . Graph: Gaelic Speakers by age 1921-2001 . Gaelic Speakers by age 1921-2001 %
Census 2001 Scotland: Gaelic Language - first results [HTML text]
Census 2001 Scotland: Gaelic
language abilities by age-group and country of birth
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Individual slides: TITLE - Census 2001 Scotland: Gaelic language abilities . Graph: Gaelic language abilities by age . Graph: Gaelic language abilities by % born outwith Scotland . Table: Gaelic language abilities by % born outwith Scotland . Table: Gaelic language abilities by % born outwith Scotland (continued) . Knowledge of Gaelic by age and country of birth - some conclusions
Individual slides: TITLE - Census 2001 Scotland: age-structures of population in significant areas for Gaelic . Table 1: Census 2001 Scotland: Population - All Persons . Fig 1: Census 2001: Scotland - All Persons . Fig 2: Census 2001: Western Isles - All Persons . Fig 3: Census 2001: Highland - All Persons . Fig 4: Census 2001: Argyll & Bute - All Persons . Fig 5: Census 2001: Gaidhealtachd - All Persons . Fig 6: Census 2001: Rest of Scotland - All Persons
Argyll & Bute: Gaelic language
abilities by age - 2001 Census
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Individual slides: TITLE - Argyll & Bute: Gaelic language abilities by age - 2001 Census . Table: Argyll & Bute: Gaelic abilities by age 2001 . Table: Argyll & Bute: Gaelic abilities by age 2001 (continued) . Graph: Argyll & Bute 2001 Census: persons with Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Graph: Argyll & Bute 2001 Census: persons with Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Argyll & Bute - Gaelic abilities by age 2001 Census . Graph: Argyll & Bute 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Graph: Argyll & Bute 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Argyll & Bute - Gaelic abilities by age 2001 Census . Graph: Argyll & Bute 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - percentages . Argyll & Bute: young people in 2001 Census
Highland council area: Gaelic
language abilities by age - 2001 Census
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Individual slides: TITLE - Highland council area: Gaelic language abilities by age - 2001 Census . Table: Highland council area: Gaelic abilities by age 2001 . Table: Highland council area: Gaelic abilities by age 2001 (continued) . Graph: Highland council area 2001 Census: persons with Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Graph: Highland council area 2001 Census: persons with Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Highland - Gaelic abilities by age 2001 Census . Graph: Highland council area 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Graph: Highland council area 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - numbers . Highland - Gaelic language abilities by age 2001 Census . Graph: Highland council area 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - percentages . Highland council area: young people in 2001 Census
Western Isles: Gaelic language
abilities by age - 2001 Census
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Individual slides: TITLE - Western Isles: Gaelic language abilities by age - 2001 Census Table: Western Isles: Gaelic abilities by age 2001 Table: Western Isles: Gaelic abilities by age 2001 (continued) Graph: Western Isles 2001 Census: persons with Gaelic language abilities - numbers Graph: Western Isles 2001 Census: persons with Gaelic language abilities - numbers Western Isles - Gaelic abilities by age 2001 Census Graph: Western Isles 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - numbers Graph: Western Isles 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - numbers Western Isles - Gaelic abilities by age 2001 Census Graph: Western Isles 2001 Census: all persons with and without Gaelic language abilities - as %s Western Isles: young people in 2001 Census
Welsh and Gaelic speakers by
age-group: 1971-1981- 1991- 2001 Censuses
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Individual slides: TITLE - Welsh and Gaelic speakers by age-group: 1971-1981-1991-2001 Censuses . Official measures promoting growth of Welsh . Graph: Welsh speakers by age-group: 1971-81-91-2001 Censuses . Graph: Gaelic speakers by age-group: 1971-81-91-2001 Censuses . Graph: Welsh speakers 1971-81-91-2001: age-group as % of all speakers . Graph: Gaelic speakers 1971-81-91-2001: age-group as % of all speakers . Graph: Welsh speakers 1971-81-91-2001: as % total in each age-group . Graph: Gaelic speakers 1971-81-91-2001: as % total in each age-group . Welsh and Gaelic language viability 1971-81-91-2001 censuses . Welsh and Gaelic language-viability 1971-81-91-2001 censuses (continued) . Welsh and Gaelic language viability 1971-81-91-2001 censuses (continued) . Welsh language viability: implications for Gaelic language-planning . Graph: Welsh and Gaelic speakers youth profiles 1971-81-91-2001 Censuses - 3-15 years as % of all speakers . Graph: Welsh and Gaelic speakers age profiles: 1971-81-91-2001 Censuses - 65s and over as % of all speakers . Graph: Welsh speakers by age 1921-2001 . Graph: Gaelic speakers by age 1921-2001 . Graph: Welsh and Gaelic speakers 1971-81-91-2001: by % in age-groups Language viability - some conclusions
Gaelic-medium education
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Individual slides: TITLE - Gaelic-medium Education 1984-2003 . Graph: Western Isles: Gaelic-medium primary education 1986-2003 . Table: Gaelic-medium in primary rolls: Western Isles 1986-2003 . Graph: Gaelic areas: Gaelic medium secondary education 2002-03 . Graph: Gaelic-medium primary pupils 1984-2003 . Graph: Gaelic-medium Primary Education: numbers of GMUs
Language Policy and Planning | Celtic Section Homepage
All queries concerning Research on Language Policy and Planning in the Department of Celtic and Scottish Studies should be directed to: w.mcleod@ed.ac.uk
All other queries concerning Celtic should be directed to: Celtic.Dept@ed.ac.uk
Page last updated
by Kaye Brewster
Email: K.Brewster@ed.ac.uk