Table of Contents
Language Planning and Policy Seminar
School of Celtic and Scottish Studies
3rd December 2003
Stands Gaelic Where it Did?
Stands Gaelic Where it Did?
The Gaelic Community?
Aims of Today's Seminar
Background to Research Interest
The Research
Research Approach
Stands Gaelic Where it Did?
Research Context
Other Recent Research
Overlapping/Related Themes
Stockdale, A. et al. (2003) 'Migration, Gaelic-Medium Education and Language Use.'
Reversing Language Shift
Key Issues
Related to BnaG's main concerns of raising the numbers of speakers
and increasing the range and quality of Gaelic use
Green Linguistics
Language Planning and Policy
School of Celtic and Scottish Studies
3rd December 2003
Stands Gaelic Where it Did?
Author: James Oliver