This bibliography is intended to provide a comprehensive list of publications dealing with sociolinguistics and language planning with regard to minority ethnic languages in Scotland from 1980 onwards. A few key publications from before 1980 are included.

The list is confined to specifically Scottish items. Much of the literature in this field, however, deals with matters at a UK level and the Scottish dimension is not always distinctive.

Any errors or omissions would be gratefully rectified. Please contact w.mcleod@ed.ac.uk

Barr, Betty (1983). 'Chinese'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 46-50. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

Boyd, Josephine A. (1983). 'Lithuanian'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 28-35. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

Centre for Education in Racial Equality in Scotland (1999). Bilingualism, Community Languages and Scottish Education: a challenge for policy makers and practitioners in a devolved Scotland. Edinburgh: Centre for Education in Racial Equality in Scotland.

Centre for Education in Racial Equality in Scotland (1999). Survey of Community Language Provision in Scottish Local Authorities: Bilingualism, Community Languages and Scottish Education. Edinburgh: Centre for Education in Racial Equality in Scotland.

Cheung. A. S. Y. (1995). 'The attitudes of ethnic Chinese children towards the Chinese language in Central Scotland'. Unpublished B. Ed. dissertation, University of Stirling.

De Lima, Philomena and A. Ingram (1992). 'Bilingualism'. In: Conference Report on the 5-14 Programme and the elimination of racial discrimination in Scottish schools. Edinburgh: Moray House Institute of Education.

Drysdale, I. (1999). 'Bilingual Pupils in Glasgow Schools: Are the schools providing the best possible education opportunities for their success?' Unpublished M.Ed. dissertation, University of Strathclyde.

Dunn, Catherine (1985). 'Local Authority Plans for Community Language Teaching'. Glasgow. Strathclyde Regional Council Education Department.

EAL Service, City of Edinburgh Council (2001). Summary Report of several projects on raising attainment of bilingual pupils in secondary schools. Edinburgh: EAL Service, City of Edinburgh Council.

Elliot, Lucyna (1983). 'Polish'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 22-27. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

Farrell, Joseph (1983). 'Italian'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 15-21. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

Ferguson, J.D. 'A pilot language survey in Glasgow'. Glasgow. Strathclyde Regional Council Education Department.

Gearns, J. (1997). Language use in minority ethnic families. Edinburgh: Moray House Institute of Education.

General Teaching Council for Scotland (2000). Educating for Anti-Racism. Edinburgh: General Teaching Council for Scotland.

Glasgow Education Services (1999). Language support for bilingual pupils. Glasgow: Education Services, Glasgow Council.

Grant, Nigel (2002). Multicultural Education in Scotland. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.

Hamid, S.B. (1983). 'Urdu'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 36-42. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

HM Inspectors of Schools (1983). The Education of Ethnic Minorities in Strathclyde Region. Edinburgh: Scottish Education Department.

Jiwa, S. (1994). Mother Tongue Learning: A study of the learning needs of the Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi communities in Edinburgh. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Centre for Continuing Education, Occasional Paper No. 5.

Landon, John (1983). 'The Maintenance of Minority Languages'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 3-10. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

Lothian Regional Council Department of Education (1985). Report of the Working Group on Multicultural Provision. Edinburgh: Lothian Regional Council.

MacKinnon, Kenneth (1995-96). 'Gaelic and "The Other Languages of Scotland" in the 1991 Populations Census'. Scottish Language, 14-15, 104-117.

Neighbourhood English Teaching Project (1982). Scotland: A Multi-Cultural Society. Edinburgh.

Pal, D. (1994). Research and development in community languages. Stirling: Central Regional Council Education Services.

Powney, Janet, et al. (1998). Education of Minority Ethnic Groups in Scotland: A Review of Research. Edinburgh: Scottish Council for Research in Education.

Powney, Janet, and Joanna McPake (2001). 'A fair deal for minority ethnic groups in Scotland?' International Journal of Inclusive Education, 5 (2/3)

Sarkar, R. (2001). 'Teaching of Asian Mother Tongues in Scottish Schools: An analysis of their roles in cognitive, social and personal development'. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.

Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum (1988). The Provision of Languages Other Than English in Primary and Secondary Schools in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.

Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum (1994). Languages for Life: Bilingual Pupils 5-14. Dundee: Scottish Consultative Council on the Curriculum.

Shorter, H. (2002). Home Language Literacy and Attainment. University of Edinburgh.

Shuhua, He (2002). 'First Impressions of Teaching Chinese in Scotland.' Scottish Languages Review, 4 (available on-line at http://www.scilt.stir.ac.uk/SLR/current_issue/index.htm)

Simpson, E. (2000). Raising the attainment of bilingual students in secondary schools. Edinburgh: EAL Service, City of Edinburgh Council.

Netto, Gina et al. (2001). Audit of Research on Minority Ethnic Issues in Scotland from a 'Race' Perspective (chapter 4). Edinburgh: Scottish Executive Central Research Unit (available on-line at http://www.scotland.gov.uk/cru/kd01/red/auditethnic.pdf)

Singh, Gurdial Soofi (1983). 'Punjabi'. In: Minority Languages in Central Scotland, ed. by J.D. McClure, 42-45. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies.

Smyth, G. (2000). 'I feel this challenge but I don't have the background.' Teachers' responses to their bilingual pupils in six Scottish primary schools; an ethnographic study. Unpublished PhD thesis, Open University.

Strathclyde Regional Council Department of Education (1984). Meeting the Educational Needs of a Multicultural Society. Glasgow: Strathclyde Regional Council.

Strathclyde Regional Council/Moray House College of Education (1985). Teaching Community Languages. Glasgow. Strathclyde Regional Council.

Tsow, Ming (1984). 'Chinese Mother Tongue Classes'. In: Issues in Multicultural and Anti-Racist Education in Scotland: A Report (Conference at Hyndland Secondary School, Glasgow, 19 May 1984), ed. by Trevor Corner and Andrew Johnson, 22-28. Glasgow: Scottish Educational Research Association.

Verma, Mahendra K. (1995-96). 'Ethnic Minority Languages in Scotland: A Sociolinguistic Appraisal'. Scottish Language, 14-15, 118-33.

Walker, Maria (2002). 'Meeting the Challenge: Provision for school age asylum seekers in Glasgow'. Language Issues, 14, no. 2, 22-24.

Williams, Anne (2002). 'What Do We Mean By Chinese?' Scottish Languages Review, 4 (available on-line at http://www.scilt.stir.ac.uk/SLR/current_issue/index.htm)

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Page last updated by Kaye Brewster
Email: K.Brewster@ed.ac.uk